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Classical concerts featuring
Omer Bouchez


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May 22, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Scènes de la Forêt

Thu, May 22, 2025, 20:00
Cité de la musique, Amphithéâtre (Paris)
Quatuor Hermès, Omer Bouchez (Violin), Elise Liu (Violin), Lou Yung-Hsin Chang (Viola), Yan Levionnois (Cello), Mathilde Calderini (Flute), Constance Luzzati (Harp)
Quatuor Hermès, one of the foremost quartets of its generation, joined by Mathilde Caldérini on flute and Constance Luzzati on harp, pay tribute to three women composers born in the 19th century and too long overlooked.